1. Unawares (adv) By surprise; unexpectedly
2. Suffrage (n) The right to vote
3. Cloister (n) A tranquil (peaceful), secluded place
4. Docile (adj) Yielding to supervision; easily taught; obedient
5. Surfeit (n) An excessive amount
6. Incongruous (adj) Unsuited for the surroundings; not fitting in; not apropriate
7. Aloof (adv) Distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved
8. Chronic (adj) Continuing for a long time
9. Accentuate (v) To stress; to emphasize
10. Tangible (adj) Able to be touched or felt
11. Encroach (v) To advance beyond the original limits; to intrude
12. Obliterate (v) To wipe out, leaving no trace
13. Coquettish (adj) Flirtatious
14. Pallid (adj) Extremely pale
15. Thwart (v) To block or hinder; prevent from fulfillment of