Demographics Belief & Behaviors
Who participates in America? Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Who participates in America?
Demographics in America Beliefs & Behaviors
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Demographics Characteristics that are used to describe the population Used to track participation, especially voting Historical trends among demographic groups are used to predict future behaviors
Estimated at 325 Million people Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Total Population Estimated at 325 Million people California - 39 Million Tennessee – 6.6 Million Wyoming - 585,000 Texas – 28 Million Memphis – 655,000 Vermont – 624,000
Darker Green – high growth rate Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Population Growth Darker Green – high growth rate Red – No growth
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics City Population 82% of population lives in urban areas City Population Average density of cities is 1600 people per square mile Cities with 1 million people have 7200 people per square mile NYC - 20 Million Chicago - 10 Million Houston - 6.5 Million LA – 13 Million Dallas/Ft Worth – 7 Million DC - 6 Million Memphis - 1.3 Million
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Race (Census) White - 74% Black of African American - 12.5 % Asian - 5.1 % Person having origins in any of the original people of Europe, Middle East, of North Africa Person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa Person having origins In any original people of the Far East, Indian subcontinent, or SE Asia American Indian - 0.8% Pacific Islander - 0.2 % More than one race - 3 % Person having origins in the original people of North & South America, includes Alaskan natives Person having origins in the original people of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific islands
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Race (by state) Highest % White Highest % Black Highest % Asian Maine 95% Mississippi - 37% Hawaii - 38 % Vermont 95% Louisiana - 32% California – 14 % New Hampshire 94% Georgia - 31% New Jersey – 9 %
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Hispanic Americans For Census purposes – are a part of “White” category Hispanic Americans Make up 17% of the US population Fastest growing demographic group & largest “minority group” in US New Mexico – 46% California - 37% Texas – 37%
Citizens predominantly claim a religious affiliation Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Citizens predominantly claim a religious affiliation Religions The % of the population identifying as nonreligious is the fastest growing
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Religions
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Languages Citizens predominantly speak English Languages The US has no official language
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Age Under 14 – 19% 15-24 – 13% 24-54 – 40% 55-64– 13% Over 65 – 6% Average Age: 37.9
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Income Bottom 10% income - $10,500 Middle 33% - $30,000 to $62,500 Median Household Income - $51,939 Top 25% - $77,000 Average Individual Income - $81,400 Top 5% - $167,000 Top 1% - $250,000
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographics Education Less than 9th Grade - 6% No High School Diploma – 8% High School Graduate only – 32% Some college – 17% Associate’s Degree – 9% Bachelor’s Degree – 18% Graduate Degree – 10%
Demographic Trends Beliefs & Behaviors
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Race America is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse By 2055 – the US will not have a single racial or ethnic majority Almost 60 million immigrants have arrived in the US in the last 50 years Today 14% of the country is foreign born 5% of the country was foreign born in 1965
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Race
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Region Americans are moving more towards the South and Southwestern parts of America Americans are moving away from the Northeast and the Midwest Fastest growth in Texas, Utah, Colorado, Florida Lowest growth in Illinois, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan This has implications for elections!
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Religion Christians are declining as a % of population – from 78% to 70% since ‘07 Largest growing group is “no religious affiliation” from 16% to 23% since ‘07 % of non Christian faiths such as Hindu & Muslim has been increasing some
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Income The gap between upper income & lower income Americans is growing The % in the middle class is shrinking
“The Graying of America” Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Age “The Graying of America”
Beliefs & Behaviors Demographic Trends Age Older people are becoming a larger percentage of the American population Modern medicine allows people to live longer The “Baby Boom” generation of post WW2 is reaching retirement age Birth rates in the United States are decreasing
Who Participates? Beliefs & Behaviors
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Age Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Young Less Likely Liberal Old More Likely Conservative
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Income Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Poor Less Likely Liberal Wealthy More Likely Conservative
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Education Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Educated More Likely Liberal Uneducated Less Likely Conservative Colleges tend to be places with high concentrations of liberals. The more time people spend on college campuses, the more likely they are to have liberal beliefs
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Race Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? White More Likely Conservative Minority Less Likely * Liberal * According to historical trends, but in 2012, African American voters voted at a higher rate than white voters – which should have huge implications in the future
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Gender Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Male ?? Conservative Female ?? Liberal Gender Gap – the tendency for women in America to have liberal beliefs and vote more Democratic than Republican
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Occupation Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Business Owner More Conservative Labor Union More Liberal Labor Unions have traditionally been sources of voters and large campaign contributions for Democrats
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Religion Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Religious More Conservative Secular Less Liberal
Demographics Who Participates? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Religion Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Catholic Historically Loyal to Democratss Jewish Liberal Evangelical Protestant Conservative
Demographics Who Participates? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Region Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? Rural Less Conservative Urban More Liberal In this case, for participation, think beyond “voting”
Will they lean liberal or conservative? Demographics Who Participates? Region Will They Participate? Will they lean liberal or conservative? East Coast More Liberal Midwest More Conservative South Less Conservative West Coast More Liberal
Bigly Ideas Beliefs & Behaviors
History Wrap Up Trends in Demographics Which Groups Participate? Who is likely Liberal? Who is likely conservative? Focus on these things: