Starter Activity
Behaviourism The Learning Approach
Key Ideas abula rasa – born with a blank slate and the capacity to learn bservable – focus on “the seen” rather than “the unseen” xperience – all behaviour is learnt through experience cientific – explore best with careful observation and measurement
Learning Methods So how do we learn? According to the behaviourist perspective there are three main ways…
1. Classical Conditioning Learning by Association Pavlov: 1849 - 1946 “So there I was looking at dogs’ digestive system…” Watson: 1878 – 1958 “Give me a dozen healthy infants…”
How does CC work?
Does CC work in humans? Room-mate experiment at university Little Albert
2. Operant Conditioning Learning through consequences B. F. Skinner: 1904 – 1990 “The more we reinforce a behaviour…” Pigeon Ping Pong “Roll Over!”
How does OC work? Reinforcement increases the frequency of a behaviour Punishment decreases the frequency of a behaviour TASK: Mini-experiment in pairs
3. Social Learning Theory Learning through observation and imitation Bandura: 1953 – present “I’m afraid the Bobo doll experiment will be my legacy…”
How does SLT work? You learn not only because you have been rewarded but also because you see someone else rewarded and store this memory for future reference TASK: Mini-experiment Ballet
Study overview 1. Classical Conditioning - Learn by association Pavlov’s dogs (animals) Watson and Raynor’s Little Albert (human) 2. Operant Conditioning – Learn through consequences Skinner’s rat/pigeon experiment 3. Social Learning Theory – Learn through observation and imitation Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment 12
Homework Assignment Find real-life examples of behaviourism Animal trick Advertising TV programmes For each example provide an explanation of the learning going on
Exit Card Without writing your name on the card answer the following questions: What is TOES? What are the 3 ways of learning? How was class behaviour being shaped today? What 3 values were being reinforced? What is the most interesting thing you learned today?