Photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration cells Photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration
Cellular respiration 1:32 BrainPOP
photosynthesis 2:01 BrainPOP
The World of Cells 1 Energy and the Cell Cells, except bacteria, have organelles called mitochondria (mi tuh KAHN dree uh). An important process called cellular respiration takes place inside a mitochondrion.
The World of Cells 1 Energy and the Cell Cellular respiration is a series of chemical reactions in which energy stored in food is converted to a form of energy that the cell can use.
The World of Cells 1 Energy and the Cell This energy is released as food and oxygen combine. Waste products of this process are carbon dioxide and water.
Nature's Solar Energy Factories The World of Cells 1 Nature's Solar Energy Factories Animals obtain food from their surroundings. Plants, algae, and many types of bacteria make food through a process called photosynthesis (foh toh SIHN thuh sus).
Nature's Solar Energy Factories The World of Cells 1 Nature's Solar Energy Factories Most photosynthesis in plants occurs in leaf cells. Inside these cells are green organelles called chloroplasts (KLOR uh plats).
Nature's Solar Energy Factories The World of Cells 1 Nature's Solar Energy Factories During plant photosynthesis chloroplasts capture light energy and combine carbon dioxide from the air with water to make food. As the plant needs energy, its mitochondria release the food's energy.
Read the article “Photosynthesis and cellular respiration” http://www and read textbook p. 480-481 Students will categorize information about both processes using cutout info and blank title papers After they are checked for correctness, they will record info on notes
Read the article “Photosynthesis and cellular respiration” http://www and read textbook p. 480-481 Compare Photosynthesis only Cellular respiration only
Photosynthesis only Cellular respiration
Section Check 1 Question 3 Where is food energy changed into a form of energy that a cell can use? A. chloroplast B. nucleus C. mitochondrion D. vacuole
Section Check Section Check 1 Answer The correct answer is C. Mitochondria are bean-shaped organelles.