The Pope’s prayer intention for April 2017 Young People That young people may respond generously to their vocations and seriously consider offering themselves to God in the priesthood or consecrated life The Pope’s prayer intention for April 2017
“I know the plans I have for you…” Why do we make plans? Have you ever made a plan? What was it for? God has a plan for each and every one of us. God’s plan calls each young person to live like Jesus, praising God by serving others. God's plan for each person is always good. God's call always leads to happiness.
A reading from the Gospel of John 1: 35-39 The next day as John stood there again with two of his disciples, Jesus went past, and John looked towards him and said, 'Look, there is the Lamb of God.' And the two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned round, saw them following and said, 'What do you want?' They answered, 'Rabbi' -- which means Teacher -- 'where do you live?‘ He replied, 'Come and see'; so they went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him that day. It was about the tenth hour.
“I know the plans I have for you…” God has a happy plan, a vocation, for every one of us, to give us life and hope. God knows some people will be happiest and holiest if they get married and serve others through family life. God sets other people apart to remain single and offer their gifts to the whole human family. And then there are priests and religious, men and women God calls to take special vows and dedicate their lives to prayer and service in the Church. Pope Francis asks us to pray especially for those young people called to priesthood and religious life.
What does Pope Francis want to say to you? I am reminded of the words which God spoke to Abraham: “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.” (Gen 12.1). These words are now also addressed to you. They are words of a Father who invites you to “go”, to set out towards a future which is unknown…, a future towards which He Himself accompanies you. I invite you to hear God's voice resounding in your heart through the breath of the Holy Spirit. LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO YOUNG PEOPLE ON THE OCCASION OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE PREPARATORY DOCUMENT OF THE 15th ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS 13th January 2017 LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO YOUNG PEOPLE ON THE OCCASION OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE PREPARATORY DOCUMENT OF THE 15th ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS 13th January 2017
What does Pope Francis want to say to you? Jesus looks at you and invites you to go with him. Dear young people, have you noticed this look towards you? Have you heard this voice? Have you felt this urge to undertake this journey?
What does Pope Francis want to say to you? A better world can be built also as a result of your efforts, your desire to change and your generosity. Do not be afraid to listen to the Spirit who proposes bold choices; do not delay when your conscience asks you to take risks in following the Master.
What does Pope Francis want to say to you? I entrust you to Mary of Nazareth, a young person like yourselves, whom God beheld lovingly, so she might take your hand and guide you to the joy of fully and generously responding to God’s call with the words: “Here I am” (cf. Lk 1:38).
Let us pray: Dear Lord, Thank you for having a plan for each of us Let us pray: Dear Lord, Thank you for having a plan for each of us. Please help us to listen carefully for your call. Help us to understand what your happy plan is for us and to follow you call to ‘Come and See’. Amen