Greatest Ancient Greek Men 1750 B.C – 133 B.C.
Great Athenian Philosopher Socrates Know thyself! “An unexamined life is not worth living.” question everyone and everything – Socratic Method only the pursuit of goodness/virtue brings happiness Famous Trial and Death Inspired Plato and other philosophers
Great Athenian Philosopher Plato The Academy – First University The world of the FORMS/Ideas Teacher of Aristotle The Republic philosopher-king Provides history of Greek city-states governments - MAOD
Great Athenian Philosopher Aristotle The Lyceum – 2nd University Taught Alexander how to be great! “Golden Mean” [everything in moderation]. Use of Reason and Observation – Beginning of Scientific Method
Great Athenian Philosophers Socrates Plato Aristotle All famous Greek Philosophers
The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire