MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT July 26, 2005 STOCKTON CONSOLIDATED STORM DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2005-1 AND RIVERBEND ZONE 1 Good Evening Mayor, Vice Mayor and City Councilmembers My name is Bob Murdoch, Assistant Director of the MUD This item is in regard to the formation of the Stockton Consolidated Storm Drainage Maintenance Assessment District 2005-1 and Riverbend Zone 1. Before I go into the specifics of the District and Zone 1, I’d like to give you a little background on why this is being done. MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DEPARTMENT July 26, 2005
STORM DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS October 2002 – Regional Water Board issued a revised Storm Water Permit to Stockton Revised Permit requires the installation of storm water treatment control devices November 2003 – City Council adopted an implementation program Current Storm Water fee is not sufficient to fund the operations & maintenance of treatment control devices
STORM DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (Con’t) Storm Drainage Assessment Districts will be used to provide the needed funding The Public Hearing will establish: A Consolidated Storm Drainage Maintenance District (District 2005-1), and Riverbend Zone 1
PROPOSED STOCKTON CONSOLIDATED STORM DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2005-1 AND RIVERBEND ZONE 1 HOLMAN ROAD MARCH LANE HUNTER RIDGE BLOSSOM RANCH This public hearing is regarding the Riverbend and Riverbend West subdivisions and the formation of the Stockton Consolidated Storm Drainage Maintenance Assessment District 2005-1 and Riverbend Zone 1. Riverbend and Riverbend West subdivisions lie generally: North of the Calaveras River South of March Lane East of the UPRR Railroad tracks West of Wild Grape Drive These properties are already within the City limits. STOCKTON CONSOLIDATED STORM DRAINAGE 2005-1, RIVERBEND ZONE-1 U P R R EXHIBIT A CALAVERAS RIVER
Maintenance of Storm Water Treatment Controls: STOCKTON CONSOLIDATED STORM DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2005-1 AND RIVERBEND ZONE 1 Maintenance of Storm Water Treatment Controls: Extended Detention Basin BaySaver Treatment Control Unit 2005-06 Actual Assessment: $42.00 2005-06 Maximum Assessment: $42.00 This District is being formed to provide maintenance of two storm water quality devices An Extended Detention Basin BaySaver Treatment Control Unit Maintenance of these improvements is a condition of development for the Riverbend and Riverbend West subdivisions If the formation of the District and Zone 1 is approved by a majority vote in terms of dollars of assessment, the proposed actual 2005-06 assessment is $42.00 per single family lot which is also the maximum assessment Assessment ballots have been mailed to the property owners to comply with proposition 218 requirements. On file with the City Clerk’s office is a Certificate of Mailing of the Notice of Public Hearing and Ballot Procedure. The ballots will be tabulated and results announced at the conclusion of this Public Hearing
QUESTIONS? This concludes the staff report I’d be happy to answer any questions.