NOTES – THE IMMUNE SYSTEM – NON SPECIFIC DEFENSES the body’s primary defense against disease causing organisms What is it? NON – SPECIFIC DEFENSES first line of defense – tries to guard against all PATHOGENS (disease causing organisms) specific cause does not matter
EXAMPLES: Skin most important non – specific defense provides a physical barrier to infection when broken it gives pathogen chance to enter body EX: cuts, burn victims **WARNING**
present in nose & throat to trap bacteria Cilia, mucus
Stomach acid kills bacteria in digestive system contain lysozymes which break down cell walls of bacteria Saliva, sweat, tears INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE body will produce more white blood cells (wbc) called PHAGOCYTES
phagocytes job is to attack & destroy bacteria accumulation of fluid, increased blood supply and vascular permeability *Swelling
body increases its temperature to help stimulate wbc’s Fever most pathogens can only live in a narrow temp range – high temps kill them