Psalm 55:16-23 ( Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross?)


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Presentation transcript:

Psalm 55:16-23 ( Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross?) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 55C Music: Am I A Soldier, Thomas A. Arne Arrangement: Chris Reeves

1. I’ll call on God; the Lord will save; I will com-plain and sigh At ev – en - ing, morn-ing, and noon, and he will hear my cry.

2. He will re-deem my soul in love that I in peace may be From all the war a - gainst me waged, for man-y strive with me.

3. Yes, God will hear and an-swer them; he sits en-throned of old For them there is no change of heart; no fear of God they hold.



