III. Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=natural+selection&gbv=2
A. Natural Selection: 1. the process by which individuals w/inherited characteristics that are well- suited to the environment leave more offspring on average than other individuals http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/misconceps/images/misconceptions_beavers.gif
a. The difference among members of the same species 2. Variation a. The difference among members of the same species b. Causes are mutations and sexual recombination . http://www.detectingdesign.com/images/NaturalSelection/natura3.gif
could lead to two isolated populations of same species to become separate as they adapt to different environments http://biology.unm.edu/ccouncil/Biology_112/Images/FinchTypes.jpg
Artificial Selection: Selective breeding of domesticated plants/animals to produce offspring with desired genetic traits Great deal of changes in relatively short period of time Favors traits that humans choose
Farmers have cultivated numerous popular crops from the wild mustard, by artificially selecting for certain attributes http://www.world-agriculture.com/images/water_buffalo.jpg
Fossil evidence shows that all dogs (scientific name: canis familiaris) have a common ancestor - the wild grey wolf (canis lupus) Over 14,000 years humans have 'designed' some 400 breeds of domestic dog, artificially selecting the looks and behavior of each breed http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&q=artificial+selection+crops&spell=1
C. Natural Selection favors traits that benefit the organisms in a particular environment http://www.grapes.msu.edu/images/pesticResist.gif http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/sciences/lifescience/physicalanthropology/HumanGeneticEvolution/NaturalSelection/nat-sel.jpg