What’s so Lutheran about mission? A Biblically Based, Faithful-to-the-Lord Approach to Missions
One Thing leads to another Don’t leave a job unfinished Castles aren’t built by gathering sticks Learn from the birth of the church that Jesus is building
Acts 2:29-36 Start with the message you are going to proclaim Does the message start before Jesus? (Consider also Acts 17) Is it about what God has done in Christ, or about what God has done for you?
Acts 2:37-40 Know that the message will generate a response (see Acts 17) What response do we expect from those with whom we share the message of Jesus Christ?
Acts 2:41-42 WHAT’S NEXT!?! The apostles knew what response they were expecting, and therefore knew what to do next 1) BAPTIZE (Matthew 28:19) 2) GATHER (Matthew 16:18) These steps are often missed in mission, leaving the job site unfinished.
Titus 1:5-9 An even higher point of view must be taken for the mission task to be seen in its completeness. Assume the missionary moves on – what’s next for the gathered, and the proclamation in that locale? Identifying and training pastors (elders) is the next critical step.
Short Term Teams? Mercy Work? Types of Church Worker? Schools? The Word is Proclaimed Some People Respond Baptisms Gathered community (W&S) Training of a community leader Mercy Work? Types of Church Worker? Schools?