CARBON Organic compounds A. Organic – contain carbon (exceptions: CO2, CH4) Inorganic – NO carbon B. Molecules with C, H, O can form variety of complex compounds C. Molecular structure determine functions!!!
II. Characteristics of Carbon A. C - 4 valence electrons * Can form covalent bonds with: - other elements - other carbon atoms Carbon Hydrogen
B. Types of Bonds 1. Single bonds a. 4 valence electrons, 4 covalent bonds b. All 4 electrons form single bonds = tetrahedron
These lines between elements represents shared pairs of electrons C. C-compounds can form isomers – same chemical formula, different structures These lines between elements represents shared pairs of electrons C4H10 C4H10
D. Bonds between carbon atoms. a. C-chains range from 2 carbons to almost unlimited length Linear form -C-C-C-C-C-C- b. Branched structure
c. Ring structure d. Double and triple bonds
II. C-bonds with clusters of other elements called functional groups A. Hydroxyl group: -OH (alcohol) B. Carboxyl group: -COOH (acids)
C. Amino group: -NH2 (bases) D. Phosphate group: -PO4 (used in energy transfer)
III. Polymers!
B. Four general categories of biomolecules 1. Carbohydrates(Sugars) – energy and storage 2. Lipids(fats) – used for long term energy storage 3. Proteins – structure and the regulation of reactions 4. Nucleic Acids(DNA/RNA) – store and transfer information