ORGANIZATION Utah Studies 7th Grade
Why organization? Why is it important to be organized in school? Please answer the following questions on your answer sheet: Why is it important to be organized in school? How can being organized help you in ways outside of school? 3. What are the best ways to be organized?
What do you need in school? In almost every class here at Bell, you will be writing something. So, it makes sense that you need a pencil or pen and paper everyday. Another essential item is a folder or binder to keep you organized. With 7 different classes, it can be a challenge to keep everything in its proper place. Avoid the black hole syndrome at all costs! On the next few slides are some examples of binders or folders that you could use.
Accordian Folder
Trapper Keeper
Standard Binder
5-Subject Notebook
1-Subject Notebook
The Black Hole
Other supplies that are needed Some teachers will require you to use a textbook, while others will not. Quite possibly, your most important supply will be your positive attitude. “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” -Henry Ford Write one paragraph on your assignment giving your opinion of what this quote means to you.
Henry Ford & his assembly line
“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Please write one paragraph on your paper of what this quote means to you.
Why organization? Many teachers here at Bell will require you to keep track of information for an extended period of time. Examples of this would be bell ringers, learning log, warm-ups, notes for tests, science fair information or assignments that you work on for multiple days in class. The ability to be organized will serve you well for the rest of your life. As you get older, you will only get busier and have more to keep track of! Examples of this are balancing work and school, furthering your education and starting a family of your own.
This is probably the biggest example of why organization has been important in my life. This is the cover page of my master’s project that I did at Weber State University. It is 115 pages long and took me 6 months to complete. I not only had to write it, but all three of the people who had to sign the cover page, also had to review it often and suggest revisions. This basically became a part-time job for me. I am glad I did it. It made me a better teacher. It took a lot of desire, time and effort and organization!
Three keys to success in school and life Be prepared! Bring the necessary supplies with you so you can be ready to work and be organized. Work hard! Anything that is important, significant or that will make your life better will require you to put desire, time and effort into it. Be here and be on time! Not being on time and not being here shows a lack of respect to what you are supposed to be doing and who you are working for or with.
Sometimes teachers are late too!
On your paper you will find some additional quotes concerning organization, hard work and being on time. For each of those quotes, please write one paragraph (four sentences) stating your opinion of what this quote means and how you can apply it to your life.