English 10 - 1/19/15 MLK Jr day. Why did the banker break up with his girl friend? Tarantism – an irresistible urge to dance. Goals - Complete vocabulary Final. Homework – None. He lost interest.
English 10 - 1/20/15 Respond to, “To the Boys Who Will One Day Date My Daughter.” by Jesse Parent Where did the king keep his little armies? Phaneromania – the habit of picking at scabs, biting nails, or popping pimples. Goals – The Poetry Slam Continues! Homework – None. Don’t forget to study Quiz #18 Friday. Up his little sleevies.
English 10 - 1/21/15 Respond to “When Love Arrives” By Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye Why was Cinderella so lousy at baseball? Theomania – belief that one is god. Goals – Complete Performance and Reading silently. Study for vocab? Homework – None. She ran away from the ball and she had a pumpkin for a coach
English 10 - 1/22/15 How many English teacher jokes are there? Has human impact on the environment been negative or positive? Explain and support your opinions with the facts as you know them. How many English teacher jokes are there? Oedipus complex – the desire of a son to kill his father. Goals – Introduction to The CBA and the English 10 requirements. Introduction to the Toulmin Model. Homework – None. One, the rest are all true.
English 10 - 1/23/15 Five minutes to study for quiz #18. Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? Orestes complex – The desire of a son to kill his mother. Goals – Complete and correct quiz #18. Discuss how to decide if a source is valid. Homework – None. To get away from the sound.