W E E M L O C to Fourth Grade
About Me
Forms to Complete Tonight Sign in sheet Transportation sheet About your child Email sheet Car riders – take a purple tag to place in your window
REQUIRED: Info Snap: This MUST be completed tonight – computers set up in the media center and computer labs Helena Forms: Helena Website
Other Forms Everything else on the LEFT side of your folder! This includes: PBIS plan Bus conduct Information Volunteer Form Health Sheet AR Dates Multiplication Quiz Info ISN Info Behavior Policy
Supplies You Will Need ½ inch binder for a data notebook 2 inch hard binder with clear pocket cover 5 packs of college ruled loose leaf paper 2 hole punched folders 4 composition notebooks (9 ¾ x 7 ½ in.)-one red, one green, one blue, one purple-will only last half a year and will need to replenish 1 pencil pouch (hole punched) 2 packs of glue sticks (4 in a pack) 1 pack of Expo markers 1 pack of highlighters 2 packs of pencils 1 pack of colored pens 1 package of sticky notes Ear buds (no headphones) Index cards (3 x 5) Clipboard 1 package of clear protector sheets (usually come in packs of 10) Helena Elementary Planner –$4 can buy from me on Monday
Wish List Tissues Tissues! Band aids Candy / other items for treasure chest Lysol Wipes Hand Sanitizer Graph paper Pencils Clothespins Sandwich Bags Folders
Communication Class website – http://mrsminorhelena.weebly.com Blog - http://mrsminorhelena.weebly.com/blog Planners, binders, and Monday Folders Email: muskalk@person.k12.nc.us School phone: 336-364-7715 ext. 8405
Grading 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D 50- 59% = F Summative – 60% Formative – 40% ** Parents and students can check grades online using the Home Base Parent Portal **
Student Achievement Quarterly benchmark assessments in Reading and Math EOG’s Reading: June 1st Math: June 2nd Data notebooks
Homework! Occasionally: Science Social Studies Every night: Read 20 minutes Reading Response Math
Reading Chapter books – 20 minutes Reader’s Response and nightly activities for assigned reading http://www.scholastic.com/bookwizard
Math Practice the skills learned in class nightly Math notebooks go home nightly ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN Must know multiplication/division facts
Science / Social Studies: Occasionally, if classwork is not completed Projects periodically – rubric Study guides Missing Assignments Clip down Late work – 10 pt deduction each day After 3 days, after-school detention will be assigned
Accelerated Reader Each grading period, students will set an AR goal to work towards with their independent reading. Can monitor at school and at home Book for a grade every 2 weeks – highest Students who meet their goal will receive recognition at the end of grading period. You may view which books are AR at http://www.arbookfind.com
Attendance Absences Tardies Early checkouts Dismissal Visits Written notes 3 consecutive days = doctor’s note 10 total absences = doctor’s note Make-up work Tardies Early checkouts Stay until 12:20pm OR Get to school by 11:00am Dismissal Visits
Behavior and Discipline Person County Code of Conduct Helena Discipline Plan Collective class rules Clip Chart Positive reinforcement Verbal praise, stickers, notes home, “treasure chest,” tickets, reward passes, raffle Corrective procedures
First Day of School! FULL DAY this year!!! Don’t forget to bring: School Supplies – please, please, please open all school supply packages ahead of time! We will set everything up together. $4 for your planner Make sure you know your lunch number!
Thank You for Everything You Do for Your Children!