Deliverables to Celebration Leading Project Teams - Virtually 1 Getting Connected 2 3 Deliverables to Celebration Maintaining Momentum Today Welcome back When you have enough people on, go to “Faces” page a do a ”check-in” And here we are! Today is about… --staying connected with your remote team members --steps to closing down a project --and Virtual lessons learned.
Load “faces” wbd Load this file (Faces.wbd) within blackboard using the “Load content” feature after you have loaded the powerpoint slides for module 2. Imagine this course is a project and give us a “mood” check using the faces on the whiteboard. This could be used as a check in “test the waters” step before periodic meetings online.
Agenda Reconnect & Recap (:05) Presentations (:60) Closing the project - steps (:05) Closing down the project team demo (:10) Learning Teams synthesis/series close (:10) To accomplish this , here’s what our agenda looks like. Review agenda items Before you review Module 2 and the Prework, here’s a little recap of this series and our learning lab approach
Closing Down Projects Customer feedback Maintenance plan Lessons learned When closing down projects there are generally three issues to be addressed: How will we collect customer/sponsor feedback to make sure our deliverable met requirements? How will we close down the project team? What is the maintenance plan for our deliverable? Maintenance plans need to specify who is responsible for what with enough detail to let others take up the role in event of absences We sent out the “Running webinars checklist” as an example of a maintenance plan. This was put together to close out the design project for the Purposeful Leadership project. This is so the ongoing maintenance and running of that series could be handled by others by showing them the sequence of steps that goes into running one of the PL modules. Good projects should provide this type of support so the project can be carried on after launch There are a number of ways to collect Customer/sponsor feedback The copy you received last Thursday is one of the ways. In the next breakout we want you to share some of more effective ways you’ve seen customer feedback data collected. Remember in the IDEO video how they immediately took the cart to a local shopping center as an example.
Project Leader’s Challenge Tasks/ Outcomes Process/ Relationships One way to think about a lessons learned is by understanding the difference between process and results or outcomes. One thing Team Leads are always balancing is the focus on task vs. process. Because the results (or lack of) for the project are so “visible” to others in the organization, it is the part of the iceberg above the water line. Outside the team, at the end of the day, this is primarily what they will be remembered for. But the team lead knows if he/she wants to lead this team again in the future, the process is just as important, but it is below the water line because for those outside the team, they may not be aware of this at all. Ultimately team leads know you need an appreciation and focus on both, and when you do a lessons learned, you want to review both. So let’s try out ONE way to have this type of discussion.. This next exercise is less about giving feedback on the series and more about showing you one way to do a virtual lessons learned. For demonstration purposes, let’s assume we were a project team going through this series together and we want to review how well we implemented the first running of this series. We can assume that the faculty were the team leads for this project and the rest of us were team members…
Initial Confirmation/ Prework for Module 1 Working on Our topic Prepping for Our presentation Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 One way to do a virtual lessons learned is using a timeline approach. This is a timeline of our project (The LPTV series). Take a minute now to reflect on the entire experience from when you got the initial confirmation letter to now. What was a memorable moment—was it a high or a low moment? …and when you’re ready, go ahead and write on the slide. (Approximate the date and above the line for highlights and below the line for lowlights.) After a few minutes and you have some inputs on the page, How would we debrief this? What do we do with this information? (You may need to demonstrate for the group by adding one of your own. Also, remind them that there is no right answer here, but a collection of your personal high’s and lows.)
Final Breakout Reconvene into your learning teams Take :08 to discuss: Given everything we’ve covered in this series, what will you do differently as a virtual team member or leader? What did you find valuable about going through in learning teams? When you are ready, move yourself into your breakout room Be ready to summarize your findings back in the main room Explain the breakout questions: with your learning team, discuss: Given everything we’ve covered in this series, what will you do differently as a virtual team member or leader? What, if anything, did you find valuable about going through this in learning teams?
Room 1 Room 6 Room 2 Room 7 Room 3 Room 8 Room 4 Room 9 Room 5 Room 10 Here are your Break out rooms for the final breakout. NOTES on last breakout structure …To prepare for the last breakout, the “tech support” faculty needs to confirm the total amount of learning pairs in attendance and create enough rooms for that number. If there are some “solos” put them in pairs and create enough rooms for them. Remember to set BB to “allow attendees to move themselves into breakout rooms” then after explaining the breakout topic and going over the assigned rooms, remind them to move themselves into the right room.
Insights/ Observations? After bringing them back, call on some pairs to share how they responded to the questions. Share any final thoughts
Thanks! Thanks for investing your time and talents into this course. As a pilot group, we look to you for feedback so that we can make it better. Please send any and all comments to Rich McLaughlin at GSUSA.