On the way to an effective regulatory framework of pipeline safety The WP-6 sectoral initiative on pipeline safety Prepared by Sergey Mokrousov.


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Presentation transcript:

On the way to an effective regulatory framework of pipeline safety The WP-6 sectoral initiative on pipeline safety Prepared by Sergey Mokrousov

Introduction The WP-6 sectoral initiative project on pipeline safety is in the initial stage. The accidents and emergencies on the trans- boundaries pipelines which occurred for the last years indicate the need of further project promotion.

Pipeline accidents consequences Pipeline accidents endanger peoples life, the environment and economy. There are two categories of the pipeline incident consequences: Safety consequences Business consequences

Safety consequences Fatalities Injuries Pollution and contamination Explosion Fire The third party property damage and waking the public hostility to pipelines

Business consequences Repair and restoration cost Lost product cost Business interruption cost Cost of compensation for fatalities, injuries and the third party property damage Loss of revenue, reputation and prestige

About the WP-6 project The Project is based on the Safety guidelines/good practices for pipelines prepared under auspices of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents and the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (approved in 2006) and on the principles of UNECE Recommendation L.

About the Safety guidelines for pipelines The Safety guidelines/good practices for pipelines did not become a working document because of descriptive style of many recommendations. The document has not advised the criteria for pipeline accident. The key procedure of measuring pipeline safety level has not been mentioned.

The problems in measuring of the pipeline safety level The basic indicator for pipeline safety is the accident rate. For correct pipeline safety evaluation on different facilities we need to develop the one size for all criteria. There should be at least two criteria: one for gas pipelines and the second for dangerous liquids pipelines.

The difficulties in understanding the pipeline safety deficiencies If pipeline safety evaluation is incorrect we could not see the necessity to solve the unrevealed problems. In case of pipeline accident, the main regulator's mistake is a search for guilty and then close the case. Regulators should focus on the why questions and how to prevent the same events in future questions.

The process to make pipelines safer Question of the day. What can we do today which will help us tomorrow? Answer To assess and improve pipeline safety regulatory framework in the interested countries.

Reviewing pipeline safety regulations framework The portfolio of pipeline safety requirements should be supported by three or four level regulatory framework: -Laws or Acts / Regulations -Standards -Recommendations or Rules of works processes

Contents of pipeline safety regulation requirements Pipeline safety regulation requirements should address all known threats to pipeline integrity: General corrosion Contact damage Operator errors Material or equipment failures Stress corrosion cracking Geotechnical problems

The road to better pipeline safety regulations 1.Developing the right approaches to pipeline safety regulations 2.Evaluations of pipeline safety regulations 3.Planning recommendations and actions to improve safety regulations and solve particular problems. Assistance in implementation of the plan. 4. Continuous assessment of pipeline safety level and preventing actions

Summary During last two years several countries experienced poor pipeline safety performance There is a need to establish and maintain a continuous process of improving pipeline safety. The process should be based on good regulatory approaches, international standards and the best recommended practices.

When pipelines are safe we all win ! Thank You for attention 28/05/09, Stockholm