Lithuania and Ukmergė district renewable energy review Linas Rugienius Ukmergė District Municipality Administration Chief specialist of Strategic Development and Investment division
Documents defining the development of renewable energy sources Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources National Energy Independence Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania, 2012 National Renewable Energy Resource Development Strategy, 2010 Renewable energy law of the Republic of Lithuania, 2011 Feasibility study of renewable energy resources in Ukmergė district, 2010
Strategic Initiatives till 2020 Electricity sector. The state will aim for not less than 20% of electricity to be generated from renewable energy sources. Heating sector. In 2020 renewable energy sources will cower no less than 60% of district heating sector. Transport sector. Renewable energy sources will account for no less than 10% of fuel energy consumption.
Distribution of renewable energy sources in Lithuania
Production of energy by year/Terajoule Firewood, wood and agricultural waste Biogas Bioethanol Biodiesel Hydropower Wind energy Geothermal energy Renewable energy resources balance in Lithuania
Dynamic of renewable energy sources in energy production (prognosis)
Planned average share of renewable energy from the total final energy consumption
Planned growing of renewable energy sources in producing electric energy GW/h per year
Ukmergė district population – Flat – 1395 km² 2,1% of Lithuania Electricity consumption - 76,3 GWh/Year, 0,91% of Lithuania electricity consumption
Solar energy
Solar plants PlantJuozapavaTrakiai Power kW According renewable energy law of Lithuania, till 2020 solar plants in Lithuania must reach 10 MW installed power
Hydroenergy Kaunas HPP Kruonis PSP
Total production of hydroenergy per year – 968 GWh Power plantKruonis pump sorage power plant Kaunas hydro power plant Small hydro power plants (82 plants) Installed power (MW) ,826,4 Awerage production of energy/year (GWh)
Ukmergė district electric energy consumption kWh/y Electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants in Ukmergė district kWh/y Electricity percentage from energy consumption producet by hydro power plants 0,41 % Hydroenergy in Ukmergė district
Hydroenergy in the Ukmergė district Hydro power plant Kadrėnai HPPValtūnai HPP Installed power75 kW160 kW Start of operation Awerage production of energy/ Y ear (kWh)
Wind speed in Lithuania
Quantity of wind power plants
Power and electricity producing of wind power plants
Wood fuel is almost ½ part of all fuel sources producing thermal energy for heating
Biofuel (straw) production potential
Biofuel (wood) production potential Ukmergė potential thousand tonns
Heating energy producing in Ukmergė district 2010 – MWh 2020 – MWh
Electricity consumption and producing in Ukmerge district 2020 Total energy consumption in year : 2010 – MWh, 2020 – MWh. Sparing of energy – 5400 MWh Consumption electricity from renewable energy sources made in Ukmergė district – 7,9%
Heating boilers Želva house of culture heating boiler (wood) Taujėnai community house heating boiler (fuell pellets)
Heating boilers Siesikai High School heating system (fuel pellets)
Woodsheds Vepriai High School woodshed Liaušiai House of Culture woodshed
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