News 24/7
News 24/7 What does a celebrity mean? - A famous person What ‘s an interview? n/v - A formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions
News 24/7 How to Interview a Celebrity? Questions depends on the main goal of the interview! i.e: Sport journalist: what’s your training routine like? Fashion journalist: Who is your favourite designer?
How to Interview a Celebrity? News 24/7 How to Interview a Celebrity? Write down your questions in advance Scrutinize Right Till The End What is the color of her nail polish? How trendy is his latest hairstyle? Did he seem a little depressed? Wow, how much are those sunglasses? Study their eating habits. Does she eat healthy or is she indulging in junk food? Did h put on a few extra pounds from his last blockbuster or hip-hop music video?
News 24/7 How to Interview a Celebrity? 2. Don't be intimidated 3. Use a tape recorder 4. Listen carefully - Do Not Break The Rhythm
News 24/7 Task 1 It’s time for YOU to interview the celebrity!