Roots of The Constitution
_________3___________- government by the people. Ancient Cultures _________1____________ & __________2_____________ brought us ….. _________3___________- government by the people.
A. Greece _______4_____________ - a form of government in which laws are made directly by the citizens was first created in _______5_____________.
Originally the city state of Athens was ruled by a small group of ______6________ and powerful men known as the… __________________________7_____________________________
However, poorer Athenian farmers and merchants protested and all ______8_______ of Athens were granted the right to be a part of the Great Council. Sadly, women, slaves, and men with no property were ___9_____ considered ________10_____.
B. Rome Rome created the first _____11_________ - a form of government In which people elect representatives to govern them. Also known as ___________12__________ & ____________13__________.
In about 450 B.C.E. Romans demanded that their laws be ___14______ ___________________ to prevent leaders from abusing their power.
II. English History and Documents Britain was ruled by an _____________15_____________ - an all powerful king or queen.
B. In an attempt to expand his power __________16_______________ established royal courts. The king’s judges assembled juries to hear cases. The judges made laws, according to customs, to resolve disputes and determine guilt. Eventually these decisions were written down and became the ______________17__________________.
C. Many of the barons resented this for they had their own court. But Henry II also granted them certain rights. His son, ____18________, disregarded these rights and place new _____19______ on them. In ___20_____ the nobles and the bishops banded together in order to force King John to sign the _______21_________ (Great Charter)
D. Two rights granted in the Magna Carta were… 1) New ____22______ must be approved by the council. 2) A person ca not be _______23__________ without a trial before his peers.
E. To protect their rights, the nobles also established _________24______. Eventually this became ______25___________, a legislative body.
F. Eventually Parliament’s power grew, so that Britain became a ____________26_______________ - a government whose monarch is held in check by a constitution or other governing body.
G. The ____________28______________ was also created during this time period. It guaranteed… 1) The king can not force people to lend him ________29___________. 2) The ____30_____ can not ______31_____ someone without just cause. 3) Soldiers may not be _______32_______ in a private home without the owner’s ________33_________. 4) During times of peace _____34________ law can not be forced on civilians.
H. Habeus Corpus (Also granted during this time. - A person can not be put in _____35________ without a _______36________ being made against him.
The English Bill of ______37________ was created in the late 1600s. Prevented excessively harsh ___38______ & ____39______. Granted the right to ________40_________ the king. Made a standing ____41_____ illegal during times of peace unless ______42________ gives consent.
III. Philosophers - During the 1600s and the 1700s (the _________43_____________ ) many philosophers developed ideas on governments.
_________44______________ in his First and Second Treaties of Government developed the ___________45_________________ - He stated that everyone had the right to ____46________, ______47_______ and _____48__________. - He also stated that _______49___________ existed only to create an orderly society and only had the ___50____ to rule with the people’s _____51_________.
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau He expanded on Locke’s ideas in his __________52_____________ ____________________________
C. Baron de Montesquieu Developed the theory of ______________53_________________ and dividing the power of governing among the ______54_______ _________55_________ & __________56_________ branches of government.