How to write the date in Spanish
In Spanish speaking countries, a few general rules apply: lunes (Monday) The week begins on: Days of the week: Days of the month: Days of the month are: EX: July 10th = the 10 of July * If you are talking about the first day of the month use: el primero de… not capitalized not capitalized not ORDINAL, they are CARDINAL Ordinal numbers (second, third, fourth, etc) Cardinal numbers (two, three, four, etc).
To write out the date, remember this formula: Day, the [number], of [month] Monday, April 6th = lunes, el seis de abril Wednesday, February 11th miércoles, el once de febrero
¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? What is today’s date? Hoy es martes el 29 de octubre Do # 1-3 on your own for stamps!
*Practice on your own for stamps #1-3 The short hand date: American: month/day/year Spanish: day/month/year Ex: use today’s date English: January, 13, 2008 = 1/13/2008 Spanish: 13/1/2008 *Practice on your own for stamps #1-3
To talk about doing something on a specific day: use _________________ not ________________ Ex: El chico come pizza el lunes. To talk about doing something on specific days use ________________ Ex: Los jueves, la chica anda en el parque. EL EN LOS