Vocabulary Unit 2 Level E
adroit (adj.) skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind
amicable (adj.) peaceable, friendly
averse (adj.) having a deep-seated dislike towards something
belligerent (adj.) prone to fighting, warlike; aggressive
benevolent (adj.) kindly, charitable
cursory (adj.) hasty, not thorough
duplicity (n.) treachery, deceitfulness Synonyms: fraud, double-dealing, chicanery
extol (v.) to praise extravagantly Synonyms: glorify, applaud, acclaim, hail Antonyms: criticize, belittle, disparage
feasible (adj.) possible, able to be done
grimace (n.) a face of displeasure
holocaust (n.) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering
impervious (adj.) not affected by
impetus (n.) a moving force; impulse, stimulus
jeopardy (n.) danger
meticulous (adj.) extremely careful; particular about details
nostalgia (n.) a longing for something past; homesickness
quintessence (n.) the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example
retrogress (v.) to move backward;
scrutinize (v.) to examine closely
tepid (adv.) lukewarm; unenthusiastic