Goal: To learn a new vocabulary word, its part of speech, and to use it correctly in an original sentence Vocabulary Week of 12/4 – 12/8
Vocabulary Word of the Day Monday, December 4th rugged
Please guess the definition… Settlers had a rough time crossing the rugged mountains. Please guess the definition… (of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface; having or requiring toughness and determination rugged is an adjective synonyms: rough, uneven OR tough, hardy antonyms: smooth OR weak Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day languid
Please guess the definition… A big lunch makes me feel languid for the rest of the day. Please guess the definition… drooping; without energy, sluggish languid is an adjective synonyms: unhurried, slow antonym: energetic Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Tuesday, December 5th notion
Please guess the definition… Most parents have their own notions about how to best raise their children. Please guess the definition… a conception of, or belief about something notion is a noun synonyms: idea, conviction antonym: NA Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day proliferate
Please guess the definition… Without proper treatment, pests can quickly proliferate, causing big problems later on. Please guess the definition… to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly proliferate is a verb synonyms: multiply, snowball antonym: decrease Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Wednesday, December 6th obstreperous
Please guess the definition… I always hated babysitting for my cousin’s obstreperous children. She obviously did not discipline them very often or enforce any sort of rules. Please guess the definition… noisy and difficult to control obstreperous is an adjective synonyms: unruly, loud antonym: orderly Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day incinerate
Please guess the definition… Because of environmental concerns, many cities and towns no longer incinerate their garbage. Please guess the definition… to burn to ashes incinerate is a verb synonyms: cremate, burn down antonym: extinguish Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Thursday, December 7th pensive
Please guess the definition… I tried to make my friend laugh by telling stupid jokes, but he was feeling too pensive to respond with his usual laugh. Please guess the definition… engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought pensive is an adjective synonyms: contemplative, thoughtful antonym: shallow Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day brazen
Please guess the definition… Behavior considered brazen in one era may be deemed perfectly acceptable in another. Please guess the definition… bold and without shame brazen is an adjective synonyms: shameless, unembarrassed antonym: timid Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Friday, December 8th paramount
Please guess the definition… Voters should insist that candidates for high office address the paramount issues facing our society. Please guess the definition… chief in importance, above all others paramount is an adjective synonyms: supreme, of vital importance antonym: unimportant Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day bogus
Please guess the definition… Cashiers receive special training so that they will be able to identify bogus currency. Please guess the definition… false, counterfeit bogus is an adjective synonyms: spurious, false antonym: authentic Now please write a sentence with context clues and where the vocabulary word is used correctly.