70-組- number Family Name, First name 1 Letter Science Topics 70-組- number Family Name, First name 1 Letter
What is the difference between a theory & a law? 1. The Scientific Method What is the difference between a theory & a law? Time: WPM:
2. Scientific Detectives How does a scientist do his or her job? Time: WPM:
3. A Group Effort What is a system? Time: WPM:
4. Under a Log What kinds of creatures make their homes under logs? Time: WPM:
5. Full of Air Is there more than one way to inflate a balloon? Time: WPM:
Who made rubber the useful material that it is today? 6. A Sticky Situation Who made rubber the useful material that it is today? Time: WPM:
7. A Weighty Matter What’s the difference between mass and weight? Time: WPM:
What kind of understating did the early Greeks have of science? 8. The Roots of Science What kind of understating did the early Greeks have of science? Time: WPM:
9. The Parents of Chemistry Who discovered the elements? Time: WPM:
10. The Gaia Hypothesis Is Earth a giant living organism? Time: WPM:
Do Honeybees have a way to share information with each other? 11. Dancing for Food Do Honeybees have a way to share information with each other? Time: WPM:
12. Bringing Space Technology Down to Earth How does space exploration help us in our everyday lives? Time: WPM:
13. The End of the Dinosaurs Why do many scientists believe that a huge meteorite caused the dinosaurs to disappear? Time: WPM:
14. Not Quite Human What role do robots play in the world today? Time: WPM:
15. A Body of Water Why is water so important for life? Time: WPM:
What should you eat every day to feel healthy and stay fit? 16. Feed Your Body Right What should you eat every day to feel healthy and stay fit? Time: WPM:
17. A Common Problem Why is there no cure for the common cold? Time: WPM:
18. The Problem with Plastic Why is it wasteful to throw away plastic? Time: WPM:
Why have the numbers of cod in Canadian waters dropped so sharply? 19. A Fishy Story Why have the numbers of cod in Canadian waters dropped so sharply? Time: WPM:
20. The Nuclear Option How safe are nuclear power plants? Time: WPM:
What happens when a million people need to use the bathroom? 21. The Great Stink What happens when a million people need to use the bathroom? Time: WPM:
22. Under Control Why are dams built, and how do they work? Time: WPM:
23. Suiting Up How do spacesuits keep astronauts safe in space? Time: WPM:
What keeps people from feeling pain during surgery? 24. You Won’t Feel a Thing What keeps people from feeling pain during surgery? Time: WPM:
Which is cleaner –electric power or gasoline power? 25. A Moving Solution Which is cleaner –electric power or gasoline power? Time: WPM:
26. Lighting the Future How often do you need to change a light bulb? Time: WPM:
27. Farm-Fresh Milk How have milking machines changed dairy farms? Time: WPM:
28. Meals in Minutes How do microwave ovens do their job so quickly? Time: WPM:
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