America Becomes a World Power Vocabulary Preview
Annexation To attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing To incorporate into an existing unit such as a country, state, county, or city
Exploit To employ to the greatest possible advantage To make use of selfishly
Humanitarian One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms Having the interests of mankind at heart
Manifest Destiny The 19 th century belief that the US had the right and duty to expand throughout the North American continent and the Pacific Ocean
Territory An area of land; a region; a political subdivision of a country
Yellow Journalism Journalism that is false or exaggerated to attract readers
Your assignment You will choose three of the vocabulary words we have just previewed You will make a four-way foldable to show each of the following for your 3 words – Word – Definition in your own words – An illustration of the word – Write a sentence using the word Materials: – 3 half sheets of paper; fold each one in half (hot dog style) – Scissors – Envelope – Pencil, markers/crayons/ coloring pencils – Your notes from the Power Point presentation