Why is Lab Safety Important? Lab safety rules and symbols are needed so that students do not injure themselves or their classmates.
Lab Safety Rule #1 Always follow the teacher’s directions and only do lab work when a teacher is present.
Lab Safety Rule #2 Act responsibly. No horseplay!
Do not touch any equipment or materials until told to do so. Lab Safety Rule #3 Do not touch any equipment or materials until told to do so.
Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab. Lab Safety Rule #4 Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab.
Lab Safety Rule #5 Report ALL accidents to your teacher immediately (even if you think it is minor).
Clothing Wear: Do NOT Wear: Sandals Jewelry Loose or Baggy clothing Please tie back long hair.
Lab Safety Equipment Demo Safety Shower Eye Wash Safety Goggles
Lab Safety Equipment Demo Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket