temerity: noun definition: reckless boldness rashness reckless confidence that might be offensive
temerity pronunciation: tuh-mer-i-tee
synonyms boldness gall reckless audacity nerve cheek effrontery foolhardiness impudence daring
Antonyms carefulness caution cowardice fear humility manners modesty politeness shyness care hesitation
temerity related forms: adjective temerarious adverb temerariously
temerity The temerity of the young man was evident when he chose to sleep during class.
Swimming with sharks is a temerarious hobby.
temerariously temerariously scowled at his tormentor. Unwilling to be bullied, the boy temerariously scowled at his tormentor.
temerity The mother’s temerity allowed her to think that smoking while reading to her daughter was acceptable.
temerity The dog’s owner had the temerity to allow it to hang out the window unprotected.
temerity Enraged to the point of temerity, the woman threw her husband’s clothes out the window.
temerity The girl’s date had the temerity to abandon her on prom night.
temerarious Society’s temerarious disregard for the environment can cause dire consequences for mankind.
temerariously Some people temerariously accept the cinnamon challenge without realizing its detrimental effects.