Europe Resource Office –Samoggia Valley Mountain Community ITALY
Europe Resource delegation from Samoggia Valley at the LL4S kick-off meeting: Erica Brunetti (Administrative assistant) Federica Ragazzi (Project Manager) Umbertina Carapia (Administrative assistant)
Comunità Montana Valle Samoggia : Center-North of Italy (close to Bologna) - Emilia Romagna Created in 1993 to develop opportunities in small municipalities of the Mountain areas – 4 municipalities Enlarged in 2001 to welcome two new municipalities SUPRAMUNICIPAL BODY
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Rural and mountain territory Fairly distant from main city centres Rural economy Small dimension of municipalities involved (from to inhabitants)
a Public Body which manages only public funds. In addition to a number of initiatives, it has handled European community agricultural funds and structural funds for investment in public activities. The Body`s responsibilities include the following sectors: -Agriculture and environment -Forest conservation -soil preservation -Promotion of the area -Local enterprises -Social matters -Education -Civil defence -Planning -Management of the territory -Roads and transport Finally, as an association of municipalities, its involved in several tasks, including professional training, social, cultural activities and the management of European projects. Mountain Valley Community of the Samoggia and Union of Municipalities
BEST PRACTICE IN THE TERRITORY Mercato delle cose buone(the good food market) – a monthly market for organic vegetables, fruit and hand-made products SELLERS: farmers of the territory
In 2007 Europe Resource Office was founded as the planning and information center for promoting and developing European funding opportunities for the local development of rural areas and the Bolognese mountain territories. The organization was founded as part of the proposed agreement for the creation of a "quality zone for the Bolognese mountain region (Erica Brunetti e Umbertina Carapia)
Europe Resource Office works on: European projects Regional and Local projects International relationships International cooperation Territory improvement/valorisation Social, economic and cultural improvement RISORSA EUROPA
EUROPEAN PROJECT EXPERIENCE Equal Initiative – action I-II-II Youth in Action Culture 2007 – 2013 Leader Plus Collaboration with Palestinian NGOs Interreg
SOME SUGGESTIONS Seniors as witnesses of the past Seniors as guardians of traditional knowledge Seniors as active resource in the development of municipal activities
For example…. Sharing with the younger generations their experience of the second world war within our European Cultural Project called S.E.ME (Sharing European Memories) Looking after the Environment (G.E.V), AUSER which is an association founded in Bologna in 1991 to involve the over 60s in community social activities Sharing with younger generations their knowledge of traditional crafts - also in connection with local Ecomuseums.
Heres to a useful collaboration! Thank you