Please pick up the following BEFORE class starts: WHITE Table of Contents paper YELLOW Notes WHITE Homework WS The Starter: Pick up Starter #28 and complete problems 1-4 only. Fill in your Table of Contents: 8.1 pg. 114 Three-Dimensional Figures Clear your desks: Keep out your YELLOW notes, and pencil. Everything else, off your desk!
Three-Dimensional Figures Chapter 8.1 – Lesson I can identify and label the parts of a polyhedron. I can draw and label the net of rectangular or triangular prisms and pyramids.
8.1 Faces: Edges: Vertices:
and label!
and label!
Typos… sorry! 6 m 4 m 4 m 6 m 4 m
Draw and label the net of the figure. 8.1 Typos… sorry! Draw and label the net of the figure. 8 m
Draw and label the net of the figure. 8.1 Draw and label the net of the figure.
Draw and label the net of the figure. 8.1 Typos… sorry! Draw and label the net of the figure. 5 m 5 m 5 m 8 m
Draw and label the net of the figure. 8.1 Draw and label the net of the figure.
Exit Ticket Time! (front) (back) Faces: Edges: Vertices: Find the number of Faces, Edges & Vertices in the figure. 2) Draw and label a net of the figure. Faces: Edges: Vertices:
✓ Exit Ticket Time! (front) (back) Faces: 7 Faces: Edges: 15 Edges: Find the number of Faces, Edges & Vertices in the figure. 2) Draw and label a net of the figure. 10 5 5 10 Faces: 7 Edges: 15 Vertices: 10 Faces: Edges: Vertices: 7 7 7 10 7 5 5 5 5 7 10 7 7 7 10
Put away all your materials. Take a Ride: Put away all your materials. Put your notes, homework, and On Your Own Worksheets in your math folder Put your INB back in your cubby Make sure your desk area is CLEAN!