Science Lab Safety
Rule 1 Clothing In order to participate you must always wear appropriate lab clothes. If you do not follow this dress code, you will not be able to participate. Good Not Good *Clothing that is not *Baggy clothes loose fitting *Hoodies *Short/rolled sleeves *Long sleeves *Closed toed shoes *Athletic jerseys *Hair pulled back *Dangling jewelry *Sandals, flip-flop*
Rule 2 Safety Equipment Be aware of all safety equipment Rule 2 Safety Equipment Be aware of all safety equipment. The safety equipment may include: *fire extinguisher *fire alarm button *fire blanket *office call button *eye wash *first aid kit If there is an accident, be sure to assist your lab partner and immediately inform your teacher.
Rule 3 Lab Equipment *Do not touch any lab equipment or materials until instructed to do so by the teacher. *Lab equipment is to used for the lab procedures only. Follow all procedures for that lab. *Do not attempt to do your own “thing” with lab equipment unless directed by teacher.
Rule 4 Lab Behavior NO HORSEPLAY Rule 4 Lab Behavior NO HORSEPLAY! Horseplay in a lab can result in injuries and broken equipment. It will not be tolerated.
Rule 5 Lab Area Always keep your lab area clean of extra items Rule 5 Lab Area Always keep your lab area clean of extra items. All that you need to have are: *lab materials *lab equipment *lab papers *pencils
Rule 6 Food, Drink, Candy *Never taste or drink any substance in a lab, unless given permission by the teacher *Many substances used during labs are harmful and can lead to serious illness if swallowed *Never bring food, drink, or candy into the lab. It can damage equipment or be mistaken for a lab substance.
Rule 7 Broken Glass At times throughout the year you will be using glassware in a lab. *If glass is broken do not pick it up with your hands. *Notify teacher so the broken glass can be properly disposed of with a broom and dustpan.
Rule 8 Smelling Never smell any chemicals or substances in a lab Rule 8 Smelling Never smell any chemicals or substances in a lab. Direct smelling can cause some of the substance to enter your nose and cause damage. Always use a fanning motion (wafting) to fan some of the fumes toward your nose.
Rule 9 End of Lab. Dispose of materials and substances as directed Rule 9 End of Lab *Dispose of materials and substances as directed *Return all equipment *Clean up your lab area *Wash your hands
1st offense – Punch on the punch card and possible dismissal from lab Consequences MRS. BAILE MAY CHOOSE MORE SEVERE CONSEQUENCES IF DEEMED NECESSARY. 1st offense – Punch on the punch card and possible dismissal from lab 2nd offense – Punch on the punch card and dismissal from the next two labs. 3rd offense – dismissal from all labs for the nine week period, possibly the next nine week period, as well. Alternate assignments will be given for each lab