CS1110 cs1110.cs.Virginia.edu Nate Brunelle
Logistics cs1110.cs.virginia.edu Collab Piazza
Questions for Nate How does python compare to C? Is helping one another an honor violation? What about pygame? How much experience is needed for 1111 What is the grading criteria for assignments? Where are videos? What do I do if there’s a typo in the webpage? Make up lab policy? How similar are sections? Is the optional lab only for installing? What is python good for?
Computers are…. Smart Stupid Fast Reliable memory Follow instructions Do large math multitasking Stupid Need a person Doesn’t get English Rely on cache Can’t tolerate typos Bad guessers
How many Computers How many computers did you interact with today?
Programming vs Computer Science What one can tell a computer to do Programming: How to tell a computer to do a thing