10 Basic Elements of Design Visual Culture and Design BA1
Lines Help to enhance, direct and create movement
Extend It or Bend It
Break up the line or Flank it
Go Vertical or Diagonal
Colour Color is one of the most obvious elements of design, for both the user and the designer. It can stand alone, as a background, or be applied to other elements, like lines, shapes, textures or typography. Color creates a mood within the piece and tells a story about the brand. Every color says something different, and combinations can alter that impression further.
1. A color scheme based on analogous colors 2. A color scheme based on complementary colors
3. A color scheme based on nature Help with colour Kuler
Shapes - geometric or organic, add interest
Space - Negative space is one of the most commonly underutilized and misunderstood aspects of designing for the page. The parts of the site that are left blank, whether that’s white or some other color, help to create an overall image. Use negative space to create shapes as you would any other element.
Negative Space
Texture - It also helps build an immersive world.
Typography Typography is arguably one of the biggest foundations of design. Type says a lot (sometimes literally) and the way you choose to execute your type, whether a heading or some body copy says even more. Cheat Sheet here
Repetition and rhythm
When it all comes together