Welcome to Kindergarten


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Kindergarten

Schedule 8:20-9:45 Classroom 9:45-9:55 Track 9:55-11:10 Classroom   8:20-9:45 Classroom 9:45-9:55 Track 9:55-11:10 Classroom 11:10-12:00 Specials 12:00- 12:20 Classroom 12:20-12:50 Lunch 12:50-2:05 Classroom 2:05-2:25 Recess 2:25-3:30 Classroom 3:40 Dismissal

READING In Kindergarten, we use a balanced approach to literacy. Our Reading Workshop includes the following components: Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading & Strategy Groups Independent Reading Partner Reading

MINIMUM READING LEVELS End of the first grading period: A End of the second grading period: B End of the third grading period: C End of the fourth grading period: D

WRITING Balanced literacy includes Writer’s Workshop. Kindergarteners will learn the writing process. Our writing program consists of the following components: Mini Lesson Guided Writing Independent Writing Shared Writing

WORD STUDY A component of writing where we make words in class to apply to our daily writing.

MATH Our goal is to help develop numeracy skills, problem solving strategies, and make connections to real-world experiences to be able to learn new topics and solve unfamiliar problems.

MATH - continued Our Guided Math program includes the following components: Whole group instruction Math Rotations *Independent Work *Partner Games *Technology *Teacher Table

Grades Kindergarten students receive letter grades of S (satisfactory), N (needs improvement), and U (unsatisfactory).

EVERYDAY Blue Take-Home/Communication Folder One Healthy/Dry Snack Water Bottle with Sports Lid Change of Clothes in a Ziploc Bag with name on it (change with season)

BLUE TAKE – HOME COMMUNICATION FOLDER This is a daily communication between the teacher and the parents. Please initial the communication box daily. Important Notes/Handouts from the school and teachers will go home in this Communication Folder.

Creech Comets BARK B- Be respectful A- Act responsibly R- Ready to learn K- Keep safe Students can earn “BARK Bucks” by following our school rules. They can purchase rewards with their “BARK Bucks.”

Consequence Continuum SCE Kindergarten Consequence Continuum For Level I offenses, including incomplete work or off-task behavior (i.e. talking, being out of one’s seat, etc.) resulting in disruption of learning for self or others:   1st offense- The student will receive a verbal warning from the teacher. 2nd offense- A brief student-teacher conference will take place and the student will receive a note in their daily folder. 3rd offense- The student will receive a note in their daily folder and the teacher will contact the parent. For Level II infractions and above, an office referral will result. For further information, please see the Katy ISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct available online at www.katyisd.org.

Clip Chart Clip changes will be noted in the Communication Folder

Transportation How is your child getting home? SCE transportation policy: We will ONLY take a transportation change in written form from the parent/guardian.  This can be done 1 of 2 ways: 1.) Note from parent/guardian through the student/daily folder 2.) Note dropped off at front office or form filled out at the front office

Snack Time Students may bring a healthy, non-messy, dry snack from home to eat while they are working. Students are allowed to have non-colored water during class time. Examples of healthy snacks are: pretzels crackers fruit granola bars

Our Specials Time is 11:10-12:00. Art, Music, and P. E Our Specials Time is 11:10-12:00. Art, Music, and P.E. Coach Dasher & Coach Muller– PE Mr. Wallace – Music Ms. Horton & Mrs. Palmeri – Art * Sneakers/Tennis Shoes are required on PE Days. *

LUNCH Please make sure your child’s name is on his/her lunch kit. If your child is planning on buying lunch at all this year, you can set up an account online with Mealpay Plus. You may send in cash or check to pay for lunch in your child’s folder. Please include your child’s full name, teacher’s name, and grade level on the bag/envelope.

Lunch Visitors Parents are welcome to visit for lunch. Please meet our class in the cafeteria at our designated lunch time. When the students begin cleaning up please exit the cafeteria so that we may walk back to our room in a quiet and organized fashion.

Conference Days/Times Monday and Thursday 11:10-12:00

Notes to Teacher Change of transportation Absence Early dismissal New phone numbers & emails

What do I do if my child is going to be absent? Call the front office before 10:00 a.m. The phone number for the front office is (281) 237-8850.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Birthdays are very special days. We will celebrate birthdays during our recess time. Please provide only store bought birthday treats. Treats must be dropped off in the nurses office before 10am.

BIRTHDAYS By district policy students are not allowed to hand out birthday invitations at school. You must use the school directory to obtain contact information. Non-academic paperwork cannot go home through a child’s communication folder. All paperwork has to be approved by our campus administration and/or district personnel.

Scholastic Book Orders I will be sending home monthly Scholastic book orders. This is a great opportunity to grow your child’s home library and help our classroom library grow as well. You can order online using our class code or order by check made out to Scholastic.

Remind 101 Remind 101 is a great way for the teacher to communicate with you through text messages.

Important Events Please check the Weebly and monthly calendar for important events and updates. www.creechkinder.weebly.com

Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night Being a successful Kindergartener involves teamwork between student, teacher, and parent. Your support at home will positively impact your child’s learning. We thank you ahead of time for your support and cooperation. I look forward to a wonderful year!