Slide Show Directions: To go to the next slide, click on the scroll bar. If you see a sound speaker ( ), click on it to hear a brief audio message. When asked questions, try to answer them before going further. (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
Book Signing Example AUDIENCE (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
At a recent book signing . . . . . . A customer told her son that he could choose any book that he wanted. (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
“What about this book?” asked the mother. “You like books about the desert,” she said. (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? An editor’s perception of what a child wants A parent’s perception of what a child wants What a child wants (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
As You Write . . . Keep Your Audience in Mind. Adults and then children are your audience. (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert
Go Back to the Course Lecture And Continue Reading! The End Go Back to the Course Lecture And Continue Reading! (c) 2004 by Sheila Seifert