Welcome Tampa FAASTeam Ye Mystic AirKrewe Tonight’s Presentation TERPS - Charts and Safety Ye Mystic AirKrewe
Welcome Tampa FAASTeam Tonight’s Presenters: Dennis Whitley ATP CFII MEL SEL AGI AII Karen Dunbar Ph.D.
Tampa FAASTeam Can Everyone See Me Okay? Can Everyone Hear Me Okay? Can everyone See The Screen Okay? Does Everyone Know Where The Exits Are Does Everyone Know Where the Facilities are?
Tampa FAASTeam Please make sure that you have signed in so that we can validate your attendance tonight !!!
Tampa FAASTeam Please make sure that you have signed in so that we can validate your attendance tonight !!! Please register on www.FAASafety.gov
Tampa FAASTeam Please make sure that you have signed in so that we can validate your attendance tonight !!! Please register on www.FAASafety.gov Please sign up for events
Tampa FAASTeam January Runway Safety February AOPA, GPS From The Ground Up March Airspace-Navigating The DC Airspace April Tampa Tower and Tampa Airspace May Flight Service, Weather and More June Flight Safety, A Viewpoint From The Pros July Light Sport Aircraft, R&R August Multi Vs. Single Engine Safety September Root Cause of Accidents- Human Factors of Flying October Runway Incursions – Runway Safety November Simulation – An Economical Way To Stay Current December AOPA, What Went Wrong
Notes: Tampa FAASTeam Peter O. Knight (KTPF) Runway Construction TFR-Orlando / Disney 3 NM / 3000’ and Below October.. 20 thru 22 - NBAA Orlando…High Traffic November..5 thru 7 - AOPA Summit High traffic
Personal Safety Standards You Never Ever Want To See This: Tampa FAASTeam Personal Safety Standards You Never Ever Want To See This:
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures How are they designed?
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures How are they designed? How To Use Them
Factors and Considerations: Tampa FAASTeam Factors and Considerations: Location… Terrain… Technical… Proximity… Conflict Resolution… Performance
Government vs. Jepp Charts Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Government vs. Jepp Charts
Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures When and Where Can I Let Down ?
Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures MSA Minimum Sector Altitude
Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures MSA Minimum Sector Altitude
Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures MOCA - Minimum Obstruction Altitude Non-Mountainous 1000’ Mountainous 2000’
Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures MSA - Minimum Sector Altitude The lowest altitude which may be used under emergency conditions which will provide a minimum clearance of 300 m (1,000 feet) above all obstacles located in an area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km (25 nautical miles) radius centered on a radio aid to navigation.
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures When, and Where, and How, Can I Let Down ?
Tampa FAASTeam Stabilized Approach Approach Briefing Verified APP/RWY, Freq, Course, FAF Alt., DH/MDA Alt, Miss App. Verified Correct Approach ID RAIM WAAS Check List
Tampa FAASTeam Stabilized Approach Prior to touch down 1000’ IFR Prior to touchdown 500’ VMC Speed Vref +/- 20 KTIS Descent rate No More that 1000 fpm Power Normal Glide Slope +/- 1 Dot LOC-VOR-NDB-GPS 1 Dot or 5 Deg.
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures When Can I Let Down ? Math – 101
Tampa FAASTeam
Tampa FAASTeam FAF 2655’ MAP (ILS) 1078’ (270 AGL) Alt to descend 1577’ Distance to descend 5.5 NM Speed 90 KTS (GS) 1.5 NM Per Min (90/60) Time to MAP 3:40 (5.5 NM / 1.5 NMPM) Feet Per NM Rate 438 FPM (1577 / 3.6Min)
Tampa FAASTeam FAF 2655’ MAP (LOC) 1560’ (752 AGL) Alt to descend 1095’ Distance to descend 5.5 NM Speed 90 KTS (GS) 1.5 NM Per Min (90/60) Time to MAP 3:40 (5.5 NM / 1.5 MPM) Feet Per NM Rate 304 FPM (1095 / 3.6 Min)
Tampa FAASTeam ILS DH 270’ AGL MAP Should be at (270’ / 533’ FPM) = .4 minutes (.4 Min X 1.5 NMPM) = .59 NM (MM@ 1300’ + TDZ 1000’) =2300’ or approx ½ mile LOC MAP 752’ AGL MAP Should be at 2.11 NM (752’ / 533’ FPM) = 1.4 minutes (1.4 Min X 1.5 NMPM) = 2.11 NM
Tampa FAASTeam
Terminal Instrument Procedures Tampa FAASTeam TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures STARs DPs RNAV and VOR
Tampa FAASTeam WAAS and LPV
GPS - WAAS - LPV - RAIM Tampa FAASTeam Wide Area Augmentation System Localizer Performance Vertical Navigation Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
Next Generation Avionics Tampa FAASTeam NextGen Next Generation Avionics
Resources and Research Tampa FAASTeam Resources and Research www.safecockpit.com Information
MOSI in Tampa – Fowler Ave. Museum Of Science and Industry Next Meeting 2nd Tuesday of The Month Tuesday October 6th 2009 MOSI in Tampa – Fowler Ave. Museum Of Science and Industry Runway Incursions / Runway Safety
Thank you for coming this evening Thank you for your participation FLY SAFELY !!!