Nautical Terms and Navigation Marine Biology
Boat Top View
Boat Side View
Other Nautical Terms Line- Rope used to secure a vessel Dock- Enclosed area used to secure a vessel Cleat- device to secure a vessel to a dock with a line Draft- Depth of a vessel as it moves through the water Beam- Width of a vessel Bumper- Device used to keep a vessel from rubbing on a dock Bouy- Markers used to indicate danger or important point
Navigational Terms N, S, E, W NE, NW, SE, SW NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, Cardinal Points N, S, E, W Inter Cardinal Points NE, NW, SE, SW Combination points (22 ½ degrees) NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW,NNW
Find the Bearings of the following points (Note the variation of Magnetic North to True North)
Magnetic North True North Magnetic North Variation in degrees depends on the latitude and longitude you are located at. Magnetic North shifts slightly annually. What would the course heading be for 270 degrees if the magnetic north was 5 degrees west of the true north?