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Unit 01 Study Guide - by the end of this unit, we will have covered: SS.7.C.1.1 SS.7.C.1.9 SS.7.C.3.1
Study Guide Notes How you construct your study guide is up to you. I will provide the information skeleton for what you will need to know to do well on your test. Your job will be to flesh out that skeleton with information from your notes.
SS.7.C.1.1 Students will identify and describe the Enlightenment ideas of separation of powers, natural law, and social contract. Students will examine how Enlightenment ideas influenced the Founders’ beliefs about individual liberties and government. Students will evaluate the influence of Montesquieu’s and Locke’s ideas on the Founding Fathers.
SS.7.C.1.1 Example Question Which Enlightenment idea is represented by this picture? This question is taken from the Lou Frei Institute and the FJCC.
SS.7.C.1.9 Students will distinguish between the characteristics of a society with the rule of law and a society without the rule of law. Students will assess the importance of the rule of law in protecting citizens from arbitrary and abusive uses of government power. Students will evaluate the impact of the rule of law on governmental officials and institutions (accountability to the law, fair procedures, decisions based on the law, consistent application, enforcement of the law, and transparency of institutions).
SS.7.C.1.9 Example Question The statement below is from the Magna Carta written in 1215. “To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.” Which political principle justifies this statement? This question is taken from the Lou Frei Institute and the FJCC.
SS.7.C.3.1 Students will identify various governments based on its political philosophy or organizational structure. Students will analyze scenarios describing various forms of government. Students will apply their understanding of the definitions of the various governments.
SS.7.C.3.1 Example Question Which form of government would have this type of leader? This question is taken from the Lou Frei Institute and the FJCC.
Possibly Unneeded Grading Information There are three levels of complexity for questions in this test: low, medium, and high. The low complexity items are the easiest questions because all you need to do is remember your definitions. Medium complexity items require that you thinking about how the definition applies to the given situation. High complexity items require that you utilize the definition with real world applications. If you get every low complexity question correct, you will pass the test.