TaxSlayer Multi-Factor Authentication 5 December 2017 NTTC 2017
TaxSlayer Advance Security Feature Extra level of security to minimize taxpayer fraud from lost or stolen laptops. Was waved as a requirement for TY2016. Requires all TaxSlayer users to have an accessible cell phone number and email address established in TaxSlayer profile. Can use some else’s phone and email but why? NTTC 2017
When is authentication required? The first time a user logs in from a unique computer When their authentication has expired Every 15 days Change browser When a computer is re-imaged Three failed login attempts Use the Forgot Password feature NTTC 2017
Updating your Preparer Information Launch the application as normal Enter your Username, Password and Security Code for that site You will be prompted to complete an Account Update page Enter then confirm the cell phone number Enter then confirm the email address Enter your existing password then confirm Click Update Note: Email addresses and cell phone numbers must be unique unless otherwise designated for multiple use by the site administrator NTTC 2017
Time to Authenticate Each time a user is required to authenticate, they will be displayed the Account Verification page Select a delivery option If a cell phone number is not listed for the user, they will not see the Text option Select Send Code Added warning note to not close this window/tab while waiting for code to arrive NTTC 2017
Time to Authenticate The user will see a verification that the code has been sent Email speed of delivery depends on mail providers. TS emails within seconds of request Text speed of delivery is within seconds Added warning note to not close this window/tab while waiting for code to arrive NTTC 2017
Enter the Authentication Code Enter the verification code Click Verify Once the code is authenticated the user will be taken to the Welcome page Added encrypted user name to code so can better determine who code belongs to NTTC 2017
Multiple use by the site administrator Site Administrator logs in to user’s site. Click on Configuration NTTC 2017
Multiple use by the site administrator Click on Preparer Setup Select the user NTTC 2017
Multiple use by the site administrator Add email and phone if not filled in. Click on box for both email and phone to allow multiple accounts to use. Save and close. NTTC 2017
Multi-Factor Authentication (FAQ) Will the new users that are being created at my site be prompted to complete the Account Update page? No, the purpose of the Account Update page is to migrate existing production users to the database that we use to determine when a user is required to enter an authentication code Does the user have to change their password each time they are required to receive and enter a new authentication code? No, passwords expire every 90 days Can I change the MFA interval for authentication? No, they will be expanding the interval from 7 days to 15 days NTTC 2017
Summary New for TY2017 Is required for all TaxSlayer users (COU, ERO, SCO, LC) Can allow the same cell and email for multiple site but requires Administrator to authorize. Not advisable for LC or SCO to use their own cell or email for all site users. Why? NTTC 2017
Multi-Factor Authentication Questions… Comments… NTTC 2017