Moments in history The Gunpowder Plot
But do you know why we do this? Remember remember the fifth of November… Every November we gather together and launch fireworks But do you know why we do this?
400 years ago, James I became the King of England. England was a Christian country. People were either Protestant or Catholic. King James was a Protestant.
The King began ordering Catholic priests to leave the country. Some Catholic friends started to discuss how they could get back at the King. They made a secret plan.
They decided they would destroy Parliament, the place where laws are made and the place that carried out the wishes of the King.
The plan was to light several barrels of gunpowder on a day when the King was visiting Parliament, killing him and those who supported him.
They placed the gunpowder in a cellar under Parliament, right below where the King was going to sit….
Would you have warned the King? But a letter was sent warning a friend of the King about the plot. One of the plotters, Guy Fawkes, was discovered with the gunpowder. Would you have warned the King?
They were found guilty of treason and, shortly after, were executed. Guy Fawkes and the other plotters were arrested and brought to the Tower of London, a castle in the centre of London. They were found guilty of treason and, shortly after, were executed.
After the plot had failed, people burnt bonfires in celebration. That is why we still light fires and launch fireworks, to remember Guy Fawkes and the day the King was saved.