NROTC Marine Option (Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps) 4 Year Scholarship Program
NROTC Mission To educate and train highly qualified young men and women for careers as commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps.
The Benefits Pays full tuition, lab fees, books, and uniforms! Provides leadership opportunities Structured academic environment Provides a monthly stipend ($250-$400) Some universities will help with room and board Up to $180,000
Eligibility Requirements U. S. Citizen 17-23 years of age Be physically qualified by USMC standards
Eligibility Requirements (Continued) Must graduate High School. Minimum of 1000 SAT (critical reading and math combined) or 22 ACT (composite), or a minimum of 74 on the Armed Services Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB). *SAT scores must be from the same test Pursuing enrolment at participating NROTC college or university.* we know that the students may not have acceptance letter by the application due dates
Participating Schools 70 + colleges and universities 100+ “cross-town affiliate” schools (attend your preferred school that does not have NROTC, so long as you are accepted to, and attend, an NROTC program at a nearby college). Schools in over 34 states and the District of Columbia University of California, Berkeley Cross-Town Affiliate: - California Maritime Academy - Stanford University - University of California at Davis
Well Known Participating Schools UC Berkeley Stanford U of San Diego UC Davis MIT UCLA Florida State USC Pennsylvania Virginia Notre Dame Texas Florida Harvard Oregon St Colorado Washington Cornell Penn State Duke *One of the top three schools choices must include a school where you would qualify for in-state tuition unless you live in Texas, Alaska, Montana, Hawaii, Guam or overseas.
Obligation Upon graduation you will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the USMC. You will be required to fulfill four years of active duty service in the USMC upon graduation. Flight training guarantees require additional active duty obligated time.
Obligation (continued) Q: What if I am disenrolled OR I decide I no longer want to be in the program? A: After the first day of your sophomore year, you will be required to serve a two year active duty enlisted tour or pay recoupment of all tuition dollars. Should you terminate before your first day of your sophomore year, there is NO reimbursement obligation in either service time or dollars.
College Academic Requirements Select any undergraduate major Enroll in a regular (full) course load Attend one NROTC course per semester Maintain good academic standing Must not drop below a 2.0 GPA
How To Apply Go to and complete the online application. Once fully complete, ensure you click “submit.” Take the SAT or ACT, requesting that one of the three agencies to receive your scores be “Marine NROTC, Code 0656” Apply to any of the eligible NROTC colleges or universities. To look at which schools offer NROTC programs go to
Application Package Complete the Application Package Transcripts Three teacher evaluations (Counselor, English and Coach/Other) Two Marine officer interviews Physical Fitness Test results SAT/ACT/ASVAB scores
Physical Fitness Test Male Maximum score: Female Maximum score: Pull-Ups 23 100pts Crunches 115 (in 2 min) 100pts 3 Mile Run 18:00 100pts Female Maximum score: Pull-Ups/Push-Ups 8 /25 100pts 3 Mile Run 21:00 100pts
Selection Boards Two Marine Option NROTC Boards: Early Board: 18-20 November 2018 Packages due to the XO NLT 15 October 2018 Regular Board: 1-4 March 2019 Packages due to the XO NLT 15 Jan 2019
Selection Criteria SAT/ACT Scores Class Standing Cumulative GPA Athletics and extracurricular activities Student Government/Leadership Community service/employment Two Marine officer interview results Three teacher evaluations’ comments Two essay questions
Recruiting Station Sacramento 2016 Winners Recruiting Station Sacramento Statistics 9 recipients SAT (Math/Reading): 1198 Un-weighted GPA: 3.68 PFT: 265 Community Service hours: 186 Standing in class: With top 30% Colleges/Universities University of San Diego (2) Arizona University (2) Oregon State University U of CA at Berkeley Texas Southern University University of Missouri Hampton University
Recruiting Station Sacramento Last Year’s Winners Recruiting Station Sacramento Statistics 8 recipients SAT (Math/Reading): 1241 Un-weighted GPA: 3.75 PFT: 268 AFQT: 86.6 Colleges/Universities San Diego State (3) California Maritime Academy UC San Diego UC Berkeley Texas A&M Norwich University
UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Who is Frederick C. Branch? The Scholarship UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Frederick C. Branch was the first African American Marine Corps Officer. In May 1943, while attending Temple University, Branch received a draft notice from the Army but was selected to be a Marine. He then went on to complete basic training at Montford Point, NC. While serving in the Pacific, his conduct earned Incentives: Frederick C. Branch Leadership Scholarship Full tuition to one of the listed HBCUs Supplemented college/university fees Stipend allowance each month: Freshman: $250 Sophomore: $300 Junior: $350 Senior: $400 Are you: At least 17 years of age? A high School graduate or equivalent? Accepted to one of the 17 HBCU’s listed? Willing to accept the challenge and earn the title Marine Officer? him the recommendation of his commanding officer to attend Officer Candidate School. Frederick C. Branch was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant on November 10, 1945. Most HBCU’s will pay for your room and board if you acknowledge you have the NROTC scholarship In his HONOR: The Marine Corps offers 4 year, 3 year and 2 year NROTC scholarships for students attending or planning to attend the following HBCUs: Allen Univ Prairie View A&M Univ Clark Atlanta Univ Savannah State Univ Dillard Univ Spellman College Florida A&M Univ Southern Univ Hampton Univ Tennessee State Univ Howard Univ Texas Southern Univ Norfolk Univ Tuskegee Univ Morehouse College Xavier Univ Huston-Tillotson Univ
Historically Hispanic Institutions PEDRO DE VALLE Historically Hispanic Institutions Selection Boards will be held at MCRC HQ Similar to FCB with NROTC Unit package submissions Non-Selects from Four-Year NROTC board with HSI in top 5 will be screened and boarded 3 Universities: San Diego State New Mexico California State at San Marcos
More information can be found at: Capt RACHEL C. BAKER Executive Officer Office: (916) 928-2602 / Cell: (916) 204-2790 Baker Capt Rachel C. SSgt Matthew Snow Canvassing Recruiter Office: (916)783-3886 / Cell: (916) 505-3531 More information can be found at: