Recent star formation history in NGC 346 Eva Hennekemper (Supervisor Th.Henning, D.Gouliermis, W. Brandner) Studentsworkshop
Small Magellanic Cloud Source:
NGC 346: Bright stellar association Distance Modulus m-M=18.9mag Metallicity z = 0.004 Source:
Components of N66 SNR B0056-724 SNR B0056-725
CMD of central area of the association NGC 346 Isochrones 1.0 to 15Myrs Age of NGC 346 could be 4 Myrs!
Recent star formation history of N66 I OB stars and super novas are triggering the star formation process: In the bar 33 bright OB stars(Massey et al.. 1989): evolve rapidly, ionize the cloud blow the cloud material away build up a photoionized region at which borders between the ionized cavity and the molecular gas of the parental GMC star formation takes place(Rubio et al. 2000)
PMS clusters in N66
New species of clusters? clustering like in Milky way
YSO candidates found with Spitzer observations
Recent star formation history of N66 II Shocks from super novas trigger the star formation: SNR B0056-724 cluster 4: Age ~0.5 and 5Myrs(HST data) observed YSO (Spitzer data) SNR B0057-724 Cluster 1: Age ~5 and 15 Myrs(HST data) produced together with the SNR Cluster 2,3: Age ~ 0.25 and 2.5Myrs(HST data) observed YSO(Spitzer data)
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