Lesson from December 9
Thesis Formula [Qualifier] (main argument against your opinion), (your main opinion) because (strongest argument) and (second argument).
Rough Draft of Thesis Statement What is your main opinion about the topic? What is the strongest argument supporting your opinion? What is a second good argument that supports your opinion? What is the main argument against your opinion? Sample thesis statement:
Works Cited FORMAT This page occurs at the end of the paper and lists all the sources you used and referenced in your paper. Do not include works you did not actually reference! Label the page Works Cited (do not italicize the words Works Cited or put them in quotation marks) and center the words Works Cited at the top of the page. List all sources in proper format (see citation makers, handbooks, etc.) Punctuate your entries correctly. Be sure to italicize the titles of longer work, such as novels or movies, and use quotation marks with the titles of shorter works, such as poems, essays, songs, etc. Double space entries If a citation is longer than one line, indent the second line and all subsequent lines .5”. (hanging indent) Arrange list alphabetically by whatever the first letter in the citation is (excluding a, an, and the) Do not write anything below the last reference Do not include page numbers or anything in the header on your Works Cited page.
Centered “Works Cited” No Format Alphabetical Order Bolded Primary Source 1line : No Indent 2-?: Indent No Page Number
Note Cards Included WITH a Work Cited Page 5 notecards per source 20 total You can have more notecards, but need at least 5 per source
Organizing Note Cards Color Code Highlight Topics Arguments