and Graphing Inequalities Skill Check Word Problems and Graphing Inequalities
Homework Check
Skill Check
Vocabulary Objective function- Quantity to be minimized or maximized Constraints- System of inequalities Feasible region- Solution to the system of inequalities
Example: Constraints: Variables: Objective Function: (Profit) The campus store sells stadium cushions and hats. The store makes a profit of $5.00 for the cushions and $6.00 for the hats. They can obtain no more than 100 cushions and 75 hats per week. To meet demands, they have to sell a total of at least 120 of the two together, but they cannot package more than 150 per week. Constraints: Variables: x = the number of cushions y = the number of hats x < 100 y < 75 x + y > 120 y > -x + 120 x + y < 150 y < -x + 150 x > 0 y > 0 Objective Function: (Profit) P = 5x + 6y