Assignment on Service Marketing By: Koustuv Chatterjee On a Telecom provider
What are Services? Services include all economic activities whose output is not a physical product or production, is generally consumed at the time it is produced, and provides added value in forms (such as convenience, amusement, timeliness, comfort, or health) that are essentially intangible concerns of its first purchaser. Ex: Health care, network provider etc.
4 Ps of Marketing.. Product Price Place Promotion
7 Ps of Service Marketing.. Product Price Place Promotion People Process Physical Evidence
Product: All Aspects of Service Performance that Create Value Basic product Augmented product Supplementary
Product: Mobile telephony WEB & WAP MMSSMS3G Cricket info Job info Caller tunes VAS
Price.. Cost of service. Vidafone has very flexible plans.
It is very important to identify and Minimize Other Costs Incurred by Users Additional monetary costs associated with service usage (e.g- service tax, local tax etc.) Time expenditures, especially waiting Unwanted mental and physical effort Negative sensory experiences
To reduce the waiting time..
Place.. Where: Any Vodafone store, local retail shop or When: Any week days. How: By providing identity proof & photo. Geographic Location: Whole India & through intense roaming network all over the WORLD Channel partners: Local officeDistributorsRetailers
People.. It includes all the stake holders of Vodafone
Cont.. Customers Operations Management Marketing Management Human Resources Management
Process.. Method and Sequence in Service Creation and Delivery
Physical Evidence.. Designing the Servicescape and providing tangible evidence of service performances.
Vodafone store (Servicescape)
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