EEL 4598/5718: Computer Communications Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) EEL 4598/5718: Computer Communications Review 1
Layer Design Architecture Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Layer Design Architecture Seven Layer Reference Model Their main functionalities Mapping functionalities to corresponding layers TCP/IP layering
Data Transmissions Signals and information representation Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Data Transmissions Signals and information representation Time/frequency domain representations and their relationship Data rate and bandwidth Channel impairments Channel capacity
Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Signal Coding Schemes Line coding: NRZ-L, NRZI, bipolar-AMI, pseduoternary, Manchester and differential Manchester Mapping from bit stream to waveform and vice versa Digital modulation schemes (ASK, FSK, PSK) Basic idea A/D and D/A conversion (codec) PCM and delta modulation (idea)
Performance Limits Nyquist capacity Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Performance Limits Nyquist capacity Shannon capacity theorem: Given any two of C, SNR and W, the third quantity can be found C=Blog2(1+SNR) SNR=S/N: it is the ratio of signal power to the noise power in the given band with bandwidth B SNR must be in decimal representation, not dB representation
Multiplexing and Switching Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Multiplexing and Switching Basic concepts on multiplexing and switching Know the advantages and disadvantages of various switching technologies Circuit switching (CS) Virtual circuit switching (VCS) Packet switching (PS) Rough evaluation on CS, PS, and VCS
Data Link Control (DLC) Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) Data Link Control (DLC) Error detection and correction CRC code generation and redundancy check Sliding window control mechanism ARQ protocols and channel/link efficiency Stop and Wait Protocol and its evaluation procedure GBN (basic idea and operations) Selective Repeat (basic idea and operations) HDLC Basic operational modes and examples Bit stuffing and de-stuffing
Wireless Information Networking Group (WING) First test Consists of A problem of multiple conceptual questions, testing fundamental concepts 2 or 3 individual problems testing specific topics Lecture notes and homeworks are the base for the test Simple calculator is allowed One 8.5X11 crib sheet is allowed 2 hours