Please take a moment to silence your cell phones during the service. shhh Please take a moment to silence your cell phones during the service. Thank you!
Banwell Men’s Ministry Annual CAR WASH & BBQ Saturday, July 25th, 2015 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Banwell Community Church 2400 Banwell Rd (corner of McNorton/McHugh ) Donations Accepted Proceeds to support Men’s Ministry Community Outreach Programs *Hot Dogs and Drinks for Sale
CAR WASH Banwell Men’s Ministry Annual Saturday, July 25th, 2015 10:00 am – 1:00 pm BCC Volunteers are needed to wash cars. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer. Materials will be supplied, but feel free to bring along a wash mitt or sponge if you have one.
Tracy Bevington will be holding a garage sale @ the church on Saturday June 27th to coincide with the Men's Ministry car wash. Saturday, July 25th Please contact Tracy to arrange drop off or pick up of your donations. A portion of the proceeds will go to Matthew House @ 519-982-4664 or 519-735-8300
6:00-8:00 pm Monday, July 20th – Thursday, July 23rd Banwell’s VBS Sign-up Today as a Special Agent For this Very Important Mission! Please see Marlee for more info. Agency D3: Discover, Decide, Defend.
Please see Marlee to apply. Searching… for Volunteers Mission Date: Mon, July 20th – Thurs, July 23rd 6:00-8:00 pm Positions Available: Registration Desk Secretaries Break Room Agents Evidence Investigators Mission Detectives Craft Lab Supervisors Training Captains Communication Officers Agency D3: Discover, Decide, Defend. Please see Marlee to apply.