Animal Behaviors Innate behavior: behavior that you are born with, it is genetically built Learned behavior: behavior acquired through experience
Innate Behavior Fight or Flight response: mobilizes the body for greater activity Courtship behavior: behavior that males and females carry out before mating Ex. Courtship dances Ex. spiders
Innate Behavior Territoriality: defending a physical space against other members of a species Dominance hierarchy: a social ranking within a group in which some are subordinate
Innate Behavior Migration: instinctive, seasonal movement of animals Hibernation: body activities substantially decrease for a season Estivation: state of reduced metabolism in intense heat Ex. Frogs in mud
Innate behaviors: Taxis Taxis: attraction towards a direction Photo: towards light ex. Plants bend towards sunlight Chemo: towards a chemical Pheremones: chemicals or hormones secreted by an organism that is used for communication
Learned Behaviors Habituation: loss of sensitivity to stimuli Imprinting: an animal forms an attachment to another object or organism Ex. Conrad Lorenz and baby geese Trial-and-error: trying several solutions to obtain a reward
Learned Behaviors Classical Conditioning: learning by association …ex. Pavlov’s dog Insight: animal uses previous experiences to respond to new situation
Social Behaviors: Think living/ getting a long in a group Courtship Dances: set of display behaviors in which an animal attempts to attract a mate and exhibit their desire to mate