INITIATION While walking home from school, Jamie is chased by a large, barking dog that has escaped from its owner’s yard. Describe the bodily sensations that Jamie will experience as a result of this incident. Once Jamie is home and safe, will those sensations change? If so, how will they change?
How does the Endocrine system affect behavior?
Nervous System vs. Endocrine System Control and coordination throughout the body Very short term control (milliseconds – seconds) Control and coordination throughout the body Relatively short term (seconds to minutes) or long term (days to weeks) control. Via Hormones
Nervous System vs. Endocrine System Share areas of the brain Thalamus Receives, analyzes, and sends information from all the senses Hypothalamus Regulates hunger, thirst, the sex drive, and other motivated behavior
Limbic system 4 main structures: Amygdala Hippocampus Regions of the limbic cortex Septal area In control of emotional responses
Limbic system Influences autonomic nervous system (ANS) and endocrine system. Sense of smell, behavior, learning, long-term memory, emotions, and drives. Sympathetic Adrenalin is released from the adrenal gland.
Pituitary Gland The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland Pituitary Gland serves as the DIRECTOR of the endocrine system.
These all produce one or more hormones! Endocrine system Pituitary Thyroid Pineal Parathyroid Adrenals Pancreas Ovaries or Testes These all produce one or more hormones!
What is a hormone? A chemical substance, synthesized by a specific organ or tissue and secreted into the blood stream. Hormones can only act on cells which have receptors for that particular hormone. (like neurotransmitters) Some hormones are influenced by nervous stimuli.