DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry


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Presentation transcript:

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry Project Coordination Group (PCG) for the implementation of the MSFD Towards a circular economy: A zero waste and 30% less marine litter programme for Europe PCG meeting, 23 September 2014

Towards a circular economy for Europe: policy context Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Resource Efficiency Flagship Initiative + its mid-term review COM on taking stock of the Europe 2020 Strategy: pressure on resources and environmental concerns identified as one of the long-term trends affecting growth Public consultation http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/public-consultation/index_en.htm 7th Environment Action Programme thematic objective to turn the EU into a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon economy 2

Concept of the circular economy Linear economy VS

Circular Economy Communication An enabling framework: Design, Innovation, Investment, Business and Consumer Action Waste Policy and Targets Review Resource Efficiency Target Specific Waste Challenges, incl. Marine Litter European Resource Efficiency Platform Recommendations Waste legislative proposals Green employment Initiative Analysis of Impacts Green Action Plan for SMEs Sustainable buildings COM Waste Impact Assessment Progress Report on the Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe Sustainable food Waste Fitness Check

Circular economy Communication: Key elements Design and innovation Horizon 2020: large scale innovation projects, skills development and supporting the market application of innovative solutions, a reinforced partnership to support research and innovative policies for the circular economy; a coherent product policy, further developing Eco-design Unlocking investment Environmental taxation, innovative financial instruments, accounting rules, fiduciary duties; resource stress tests, potential of the bonds market , GPP and European Funds Harnessing the role of business and consumers Building on the results of the Environmental Footprint pilot phase, broad stakeholder cooperation through coordination and support action under Horizon 2020, action on SMEs and green employment Waste policy and targets A resource efficiency target

Setting a resource efficiency target 7th EAP: "A long-term and predictable policy framework … will help to stimulate the level of investments and action needed to fully develop markets for greener technologies and promote sustainable business solutions. Resource efficiency indicators and targets underpinned by robust data collection would provide the necessary guidance ..." EREP, 2014: "secure at least a doubling of resource productivity as compared with the pre-crisis trend … equivalent to an increase of well over 30% by 2030"

Setting a marine litter reduction target The 7th EAP calls for a Union-wide quantitative headline reduction target supported by source-based measures Full implementation of the proposed measures in the revised EU waste legislation package could deliver marine litter reductions of 13 % by 2020 and 27 % by 2030 Setting a dedicated reduction target for 2020 would give a clear signal to Member States currently developing their MSFD Programme of Measures Furthermore, it would provide an impetus for the development and implementation of marine litter action plans within the four Regional Sea Conventions

Setting a marine litter reduction target Other EU-level measures, incorporating inter alia the results of the ongoing evaluation of the Port Reception Facilities Directive, will also contribute to the achievement of the target. A second stage of the reduction target will be developed in due time, based on further analysis of the reduction potential from other land- and sea-based sources, Such revised target will contribute to fulfilling the commitment made at Rio+20 to achieve significant marine litter reductions by 2025.

Setting a marine litter reduction target The Commission proposed an aspirational target of : reducing marine litter by 30 % by 2020 for the ten most common types of litter found on beaches, as well as for fishing gear found at sea , with the list adapted to each of the four marine regions in the EU.

Possible next steps Closer definition of the baseline in the EU marine regions Creating/exploiting synergies with existing/future regional plans against marine litter Discuss possibilities for monitoring of and reporting on progress towards achievement of the aspirational target Consider this target in the ongoing revision of the GES Decision

Possible next steps Filling knowledge gaps and elaborating options for tackling also other sources (e.g. wastewater effluents, acquaculture, storm overflows) or forms (e.g. microplastics) of marine litter Strengthen and communicate the organic link of marine litter with the resource efficiency agenda Coming up with a revised target by 2025

Thank you for your attention! http://ec.europa.eu/environment/circular-economy/index_en.htm