Dyslexia Friendly Level 1
By the end of the session you will: Have an increased understanding of dyslexia. Understand the strategies that support dyslexic pupils.
Task 1 What behaviours/learning styles do you think a dyslexic child would demonstrate?
Task 1 Dyslexic children demonstrate- A deficit in phonological awareness. They are not able to read a word and give a phoneme to each letter that they see. A poor working memory. Children can have a poor working memory but not be dyslexic! They cannot remember a list of instructions.
Task 1 Spelling and reading demonstrates a lack of phoneme awareness. They are poor comprehenders in reading as they take so long to decode each word. Children can have a comprehension deficit and not be dyslexic!
Facts 10 % of population are dyslexic 4% are severe dyslexics 60 to 80% are left handed. Dyslexics have a spiky profile. They are good in some areas, not so good in others. Rhyming words and phonics are difficult as the auditory processing can be weak.
Difficulties Dyslexic pupils can have difficulties in : Discriminating the size and form of letters Reverse letters e.g. b/d and become confused with letter order e.g. Was/saw Organising Speed of processing Memory Time Sequencing Attention span
Difficulties Thinking of these difficulties, what could you change in your classroom to support this type of pupil? Add to planning for Dyslexia Friendly 1 status.
The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom The aim of the Dyslexia Friendly Classroom is to communicate with the child. Ways that the Dyslexic child accesses the classroom is through- Labels with visual clues Use of cursive handwriting (Encourages motor skills and writing speed to allow access to long term memory). Visual timetable Key words Background colours
Identification Use the Dyslexia checklist. Assess in class and ask the parent for their point of view. Observe in FS1 and 2, particularly for rhyming ability. All children can be supported with the use of dyslexia friendly strategies.
Reading Support pupils with where to read with the reading card. Use to speed up readers and to slow them down. Child can say a sentence, adult writes, chop it up and child re-orders. Letter shapes support
Reading Support Support letter sounds with an alphabet arc Split into syllables Look for word families Children make own cue cards for each letter
Reading support Precision Teaching- 5 words are read-2 familiar and 3 new Track the ones that are correct on a chart for a time that is set by them reading the words. The time should improve over the course of the week. This can also be used for spelling.
Spelling To understand how to support spelling and writing. Spelling can be supported through the learning of sounds and letter names with the use of an alphabet arc for younger children. If older children can say letter names and sounds then they should be taught spelling rules.
Next steps: Complete the environment checklist and add to SEN file. Complete the child checklist on any children that are of concern and pass back to the SENCo.